India PPP Capacity Building Trust (I-CAP) had been appointed by Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Government of India and KfW Development Bank as project-executing agency for the National PPP Capacity Building Programme. This capacity building programme was being implemented at a national level in various states throughout the country and included preparation of a detailed Training Needs Assessment which involved the identifying the size, characteristics and capacity development of the different target audiences across states in detail; curriculum design specific to the target audience and using modern pedagogical tools; training of trainers and programme roll-out in two phases. The programme successfully trained over 7000 participants across India through the duration of the programme from 2009 to 2014.
The programme was officially launched by DEA with the release of the training material by the-then Finance Minister in December 2010.

Trainers trained in the TOT programmes undergoing Level I (left) and Level II (right) evaluation in the presence of Master Trainers.
Mr. Arvind Mayaram, Secretary, DEA, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, delivering the keynote address at a one-day national-level workshop held on 4th March 2014 to mark the culmination of the Programme
The programme was able to successfully mainstream PPP training. Apart from conducting stand-alone PPP courses, almost all partner institutions have now also incorporated the training content developed under the NPCBP in the other courses being conducted by them as short-duration PPP modules.

Funded by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, the Regional Capacity Building Hubs programme covered urban local bodies, parastatal agencies and elected representatives from JNNURM and UIDSSMT towns in Regions II, IV and VIII covering 14 states and UTs. The programme covered over 1500 participants through workshops on various relevant subjects. Key tasks performed included assessing specific training needs of target states, preparing detailed action plan and training calendar, development of specific modules for urban management, financial management and project development and implementation.

Under this assignment 3 city cluster workshops covering 180 participants from different ULBs were conducted as part of the Solid Waste Management Workshops for Officials of ULBs under the Swachh Bharat Mission for the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. The workshops aimed to strengthen institutional capacities of ULBs towards collection, treatment, disposal and efficient management of various types and categories of wastes, promote 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) initiatives and dissemination of good practices, and facilitate integrated efforts towards achieving improvement in general health of city environment etc. The key tasks involved pedagogy development, curriculum development, training delivery and assessing training needs.

The IPFF Project Cell, in 2013 initiated series training programmes on PPP for government officials of different Ministries and agencies with an objective of training selected officials from the introductory to the advanced levels covering content on crucial aspects of PPP. This Series training programme provided an excellent opportunity to systematically build capacities of officials in Bangladesh. iDeCK assisted IPFF in conducting the training programmes over 3 phases followed by a study tour programme in India. A set of 4 programmes were conducted between November 2013 and May 2014 as part of Phase 1. Expert Resource Persons from iDeCK and IDFC travelled to Bangladesh to conduct training of senior management / senior government officers across various Departments in Bangladesh. Under Phase 2, a set of 4 programmes were conducted between February 2015 and June 2015 and under Phase 3 again 4 programmes were conducted in 2015. Six of the deserving officials the participated in a Study Visit to Bengaluru and Mysuru organized by iDeCK in November 2016.
Engineers Day Celebration:
India PPP Capacity Building Trust (ICAP Trust) & iDeCK celebrated Engineers Day on 15th September, 2021, to mark the birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna, Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaravya, as a tribute to one of the acclaimed engineers of the country for his outstanding contribution to society. The celebration was hosted both physically at Davanagere Smart City Ltd. (DSCL) and virtually attended by a large number of audiences from various spheres, agencies and departments related to engineering work across India.
This year celebration was based on the theme of “Building Quality Infrastructure & Importance of Training and Capacity Building”. Shri. Mahentesh Bilagi, IAS, Dy. Commissioner & District Magistrate, DSCL, was the Chief Guest for the event. The programme had its special Invitees from Sir M. Visvesveraya’s Family Member Dr. Raghavendra Mokshagundam, who discussed the core principle of Sir. M. Visvesaraya’s Life to the audience. ICAP Trust & iDeCK took this opportunity to felicitate Shri R. K. Jha, xMD GIFT City, Chief Planner, & Shri M. N. Thippeswamy, Rtd. Engineer in Chief, BWSSB for their outstanding contribution to the field of civil engineering.
ICAP Trust Honouring Mr. MN Thippeswami for his outstanding contribution in the field of Civil engineering.
OTCB on Wastewater Reuse:
ICAP Trust along with iDeCK in association with NMCG, Ministry of Jal Shakti GoI and TERI, New Delhi has organised an Online Training & Capacity Building Programme on ” Developing Wastewater Reuse Facilities”. The programme was held on from 8th-22nd March 2021 between 2-5.30 pm.
The programme was aimed at training participants on various aspects of setting up wastewater reuse infrastructure facilities such as legal and policy issues, funding options, managing contracts, government approach, marketing strategies, consumer perspectives and more.
As water has a crucial role in a sustainable future, the certificate programme had not only aimed to be beneficial for training participants from a technical/project preparation standpoint but also intended to sensitize them to the challenges faced by water sector.
OTCB on developing wastewater reuse facilities programme brochure.
OTCB on developing wastewater reuse facilities programme brochure.Government of India has focused on developing several enabling tools and activities to spur private investments in the infrastructure sector. These are vital for catalyzing investments in infrastructure to facilitate efficient operations and maintenance of existing and new assets.
Government of India has focused on developing several enabling tools and activities to spur private investments in the infrastructure sector. These are vital for catalyzing investments in infrastructure to facilitate efficient operations and maintenance of existing and new assets.
It is widely acknowledged that procurement of private sector expertise to undertake PPP projects are more complex to prepare, structure and manage in comparison to publicly funded traditional procurements. Public sector agencies need to acquire and upgrade from time-to-time specialized skills for procuring private sector expertise in the development and management of infrastructure projects in the country. Keeping this in view, Government felt that there is a need to update and enhance the knowledge of its officers in the matter of designing of projects amenable for private sector interest, assessment and allocation of project risks, procurement processes, contractual frameworks and monitoring of projects to ensure improved public services to the end users.
It is in this context, MGSIPA under the aegis of Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, GoI in association with IIFCL, IIFCL Projects Limited (IPL), GoI, the sponsors of the programme and the knowledge partners, ICAP Trust and iDeCK, have conducted two back to back capacity building.
Shri B. Purushartha, IAS, Joint Secretary, DEA, MoF, GoI during his welcome address & Shri P.R. Jaishankar, Managing Director (IIFCL) during his keynote address
Mr. Palash Srivastava, Dy. CEO, IIFCL as the session anchor during the Panel Discussion – I on Public Private Partnerships : An Overview & Policy Frameworks.
Distinguished speakers, Shri O.P. Agarwal, CEO, WRI, Shri B. Purushartha, IAS, JS, DEA, MoF, Shri P.R. Jaishankar, MD, IIFCL, Shri KBS Sidhu, IAS, Special Chief Secretary & DG, MGSIPA and Smt. Jaspreet Talwar, IAS, Principal Secretary & Director, MGSIPA, Government of Punjab addressed the participants as to how PPPs can help better infrastructure provisioning in a number of ways including augmenting resources and improving delivery of services to the people. It was also emphasized that PPPs must be carefully structured and implemented to be able to provide public services in a sustainable manner.
The course coverage included an understanding and rationale for pursuing PPPs; critical steps involved in conceptualizing, development activities and project preparatory activities; structuring of projects in such a way that they are financially viable and provide value for money for the procuring entity; engaging with an effective private partner, management of the procurement process, effective contract management and monitoring of PPP transactions.
The teaching methodology was highly interactive based on real-life case-studies. It was structured in such a manner so as to provide deep understanding of PPPs and a thorough analysis of major challenges through different examples. Each module was designed in a manner that it combines subject presentations by the experts, group discussions, quiz to the participants and encourage self-learning on project lifecycle components under PPP frameworks. All the participants actively engaged with the Resource Persons and sought many clarifications. They also enthusiastically participated in Group Discussions.
Capacity building for sustainable urbanization is a multi-facetted process by which the ability of multiple stakeholders and institutions at all levels of governance are strengthened, developed and consolidated, enabling individuals and institutions to formulate, plan, implement, manage and enforce public policies towards sustainable urban development. It develops the ability to understand the spatial dimension of sustainable development, the urban governance systems and the elements that produce urban prosperity such as housing and infrastructure development, urban mobility, slums and social exclusion, environmental sustainability, urban planning and municipal finance. Against this backdrop, ICAP Trust & iDeCK conducted Training and Capacity Building Programme on Genesis of Urban Development Programme during 6th-17th December 2021 in collaboration with National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), New Delhi involving 20 eminent speakers and moderators of national and international repute. Expert and learned academia, planners, engineers, researchers, architects and analysts have come forward to deliver the lectures. The programme was spanning over a period of 10 working days. Participants who attended this programme were largely working professionals from urban sectors, urban planners, city engineers, PHD and engineering students.
The panel discussion during this training witnessed the participation of Shri K. Padmanabhaiah, Chairman of Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Chairman-RERA, Gujarat, Chairman –IDD, Government of Karnataka, Padma bhusan and Padmashree Shri B.V Doshi, Prof. Raguram, former Director and Advisor from NRTI, & Prof. Amitabh Kundu (Senior Research Fellow, WRI).
The One Water approach envisions managing all water in an integrated, inclusive, and sustainable manner to secure a bright, prosperous future for our children, our communities, and our country. One Water approaches are progressing in multiple arenas: from using advanced technologies to recover nutrients and energy from wastewater; to using green storm water techniques to mitigate flooding while beautifying neighborhoods; to undertaking watershed-level planning and collaboration to address water quality issues; to implementing innovative financing and partnership models. A One Water approach can take many different forms, but has some unifying characteristics. In this direction ICAP Trust, iDeCK along with its knowledge partner IWA India and Institute of Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru conducted a 10 days training programme on “One Water’-Paradigm Shift Concept to Development” during 7th-18th February 2022 involving policy and decision makers like Central and State Ministries involved with Water, Pollution Control Boards, Mayors, standing and water works committees, Municipal Commissioners, Town Planners, Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), Jal Boards, Wastewater Treatment Companies, Wastewater Treatment Plant (WTPs) including E-uent Treatment (ETPs) and Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) Associations, Operations & Maintenance and Service provides, Academicians, R&D Experts, Technology Developers and Providers etc.
Objective of the Training Programme
• To understand ‘One Water’ concept • to study how to adopt ‘One Water’ in planning • to understand a city and township level plan to meet water demand with ‘One Water’ • to know what and how to update existing infrastructure and develop new infrastructure
ICAP Trust and iDeCK h conducted the tailored made training and capacity building programme exclusively meant for Gujarat Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) officials on Genesis of Urban development during 22-24th March 2022.
The fast-growing economy, rapid industrialization and growing urban population in India along with increasing wastewater generation are reasons for concern and reiterate the need for appropriate water management practices. India PPP Capacity building Trust recognizes this need and has developed a three day on training programme aimed at imparting knowledge and exposure to participants of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC), Govt of Gujarat on wastewater treatment for industrial and urban wastewater management including reuse and recycle.
- The objective of the training programme was to build capacity of officials of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation engaged in the management of water and Wastewater for the city, to improve their skills for better wastewater management and understand wastewater treatment process, technologies and affordable treatment options.
Engineers Day-2022
On Sir M V 162nd Birthday celebrated as Engineers Day at iDeCK. Felicitation of *Dr. G. Ashwatnarayana*, Former Sacratary, GoK who played instrumental role in India’s first rocket launching from Shri Harikota as a Civil Engineer, Shri K. Jayakishan, CEO, iDeCK, M.N. Thippeswamy and Dr. Pankajkumar Sampat with team.
The 2nd round of IIR-2022, authors meeting with apex committee member was held at IHC, New Delhi on 17th & 18th October, 2022. The authors and the apex committee members discussed the papers focusing on various components of ‘Future Urban Planning and Development’ thoroughly.